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Optimising Income Generation for Local Authorities

Date & Time

Tuesday 12th March, 2024 | 09:30 - 16:00




Limited Availability


The Local Government Association recently found that nearly 1 in 5 councils are likely to have to issue a Section 114 notice, meaning councils across the UK now have to generate alternative sources of income, in response to increased cost pressures and tightened budgets. Local authorities must innovate and commercialise their income generation strategies, in order to meet the growing demand pressures on council services. Commercialism is accompanied by intense scrutiny and economic and reputational risks, making it essential for councils to understand the regulatory landscape for income generation, embody a commercial culture and ensure appropriate governance and risk mitigation when executing income generation initiatives. 

This Optimising Income Generation for Local Authorities online event will equip you with an understanding of the cost and demand pressures currently facing local authorities and the legislative framework for income generation. You will learn how to develop a more commercialised culture within your organisation, through training, innovation and leadership, and explore how to ensure commercial ventures sustain social value important to the communities you serve. By the end of the course you will also learn best practice from councils whom have successfully generated income, and understand the risks and rewards of commercialism.  

Learning Outcomes

  • Define and explore the various sources of income for local authorities 

  • Develop an awareness of potential challenges and risks associated with new revenue streams 

  • Explore methods to foster innovative commercial thinking at all levels within local authorities 

  • Identify strategies to maintain social value while simultaneously generating income 

Lead Trainer

Peter Fleming

Former member of the Improvement and Innovation Board and National Spokesman at the Local Government Association (2011 - 2023) and Former Board Member at the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership.

Other Speakers

Terry Collier

Deputy Chief Executive at Spelthorne Borough Council



9:25 am

Logging on and Accessing the Online Platform

9:30 am

Trainer’s Welcome and Overview of Learning Objectives

Peter Fleming - Former member of the Improvement and Innovation Board and National Spokesman at the Local Government Association (2011 - 2023) and Former Board Member at the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership.

10:00 am

Income Generation Policy Landscape 


This session will cover: 

  • Discuss the regulatory landscape and what powers local governments have under the Localism Act 2011 and The Local Government Act 2003, to generate income  

  • Consider any legal constraints that local authorities may face when diversifying their income sources 

  • Look at how the pattern of local authority income is changing 

Peter Fleming - Former member of the Improvement and Innovation Board and National Spokesman at the Local Government Association (2011 - 2023) and Former Board Member at the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership.

10:45 am

Developing a Commercial Culture


This session will cover: 

  • Understand what commercialism means for local authorities and why it is important 

  • Clearly define the different aspects of commercialism and what they mean to your organisation and locality 

  • Explore methods to encourage innovative commercial thinking at all levels in local authorities 

  • Underline how and why all officers and members need to be aware of the freedom and flexibility of income generation, to innovate and be encouraged to do so within their service 

Peter Fleming - Former member of the Improvement and Innovation Board and National Spokesman at the Local Government Association (2011 - 2023) and Former Board Member at the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership.

11:30 am

Morning Break

11:45 am


Aligning Commercial Activity to Public Value

This session will cover:

  • Outline what is meant by public value and why it should remain a priority for local authorities

  • Understand how to develop initiatives which generate income whilst simultaneously sustaining services and local communities

  • Identify how to sustain social value whilst simultaneously generating income

  • Design commercial strategies or engaging in any commercial activity, which have a focus on public value

Peter Fleming - Former member of the Improvement and Innovation Board and National Spokesman at the Local Government Association (2011 - 2023) and Former Board Member at the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership.

12:30 pm

Managing Commercial Rewards Whilst Mitigating Risks

This session will cover:

  • Learn how to best mitigate risks associated with commercial activity and maximise the rewards of commercialism

  • Understand the reputational and financial risks associated with income generation initiatives

  • Outline how you can be risk aware but not risk averse in considering new opportunities that arise or innovative ideas being proposed

  • Explore what is meant by good governance and scrutiny - to improve decision making by local authorities

Peter Fleming - Former member of the Improvement and Innovation Board and National Spokesman at the Local Government Association (2011 - 2023) and Former Board Member at the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership.

1:15 pm

Lunch Break

2:00 pm

Case Study: Spelthorne Borough Council


In this session, you will have the opportunity to hear from Spelthorne Borough Council about their successful income generation strategy which has centred around the acquisition of commercial assets.  

This session will cover: 

  • Learn about Spelthorne Borough Council’s asset portfolio management action plan, and how they ensure their investments are effectively managed and the income protected 

  • Hear how the council mitigates the risks of commercial assets, by employing the highest quality advisors with extensive relevant experience and ensuring sustainable sink funds 

  • Learn how the council pursues an open and transparent approach to engaging with external stakeholders 

Delegates will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of this session. 

Terry Collier - Deputy Chief Executive at Spelthorne Borough Council

2:45 pm

Discussion Workshop: Putting Learning Into Practice

This session will provide you with the opportunity to review the days learnings and consider what approaches and strategies you are going to take back to your organisation.  

  • Develop strategies for generating income 

  • Discuss what leadership techniques you can employ to stimulate innovation and commercial thinking  

  • Explore innovative methods to diversify your local council’s revenue streams 

  • Develop key action points to take back to your organisation 

Peter Fleming - Former member of the Improvement and Innovation Board and National Spokesman at the Local Government Association (2011 - 2023) and Former Board Member at the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership.

3:30 pm

Closing Remarks and Q&A

In this closing session delegates will have the opportunity to come together to discuss areas of concern and ask any final questions.

4:00 pm

Programme close

*Programme subject to change


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