Date & Time
Tuesday 24 September, 2024
9:30 AM - 3:20 PM
Online Training Course
Event Overview
Pressure Ulcers are the single most costly chronic wound to the NHS, costing over £5 billion a year. However, these types of wounds are largely preventable and detectable. With health and social care providers facing increasing scrutiny to safeguard patients, it is imperative that avoidable pressure ulcers are prevented, and unavoidable ones are better treated.
Without adequate risk assessment, identification and care, they can be exceptionally painful, cause debilitating wounds and in extreme circumstances be fatal. Recognising those most vulnerable and executing thorough evaluations is imperative for avoiding severe consequences, preserving lives, reducing financial burdens, and alleviating strain on vital hospital resources.
Receive comprehensive guidance on the requirements of the NICE Quality Standards and latest Safeguarding Adults Protocol as it relates to pressure ulcers, and learn how to effectively record keep and demonstrate responsibility. Take a proactive approach to preventing individuals from developing pressure ulcers, developing strategies to manage risks and promote the independence of individuals. Learn the early signs of pressure ulcers and gain techniques to encourage individuals to manage their own pressure areas. Explore the aSSKINg framework and how it should inform pressure damage prevention.
Leave the event with a thorough understanding of the skins anatomy and strategies to prevent, identify, treat and responsibly respond to pressure ulcers. Take back to your organisation action points which improve your organisations pressure ulcer strategy.
Learning Outcomes
Gain cost effective strategies to effectively reduce the risk of preventing pressure ulcers
Gain further knowledge of classification of pressure ulcers and how to prioritise patients
Explore the early indicators of pressure ulcers and how to effectively carry out skin inspections
Learn how to improve management of pressure ulcers whilst providing the best treatment
Understand the legal considerations of pressure ulcers and how to escalate concerns
Improve your pressure ulcer strategy to ensure it meets with healthcare standards
Lead Trainer
Carole Young
Independent Tissue Viability Specialist Nurse, Professional Nurse Advocate
9:25 am
Logging on and Accessing the Platform
9:30 am
Trainer’s Welcome and Reviewing Learning Objectives
9:45 am
Evaluating Your Pressure Ulcer Strategy Against the New National Pressure Ulcer Recommendations and Pathway
Overview the proposed evidence-informed standardised clinical pathway of care and what it means for your protocols
Identify the main areas for improvement based on the latest recommendations and pathway
Analyse gaps between your current pressure ulcer practices and the latest recommendations
Examine the outcomes of the NICE Quality Standard Review on pressure ulcers
10:30 am
Effectively Preventing and Identifying Pressure Ulcers
Gain actions to reduce the risk of individuals developing pressure ulcers, outlining the importance of good nutrition and hydration
Understand different tissue types and who is at risk
Explore the principles of the aSSKINg framework and how it should inform pressure damage prevention
Understand how pressure ulcer patients should be prioritised
Improve your knowledge of classification as a method of prevention
Learn how to effectively conduct proper risk assessments of vulnerable patients
11:15 am
Morning Break
11:30 am
Assessing and Treating Pressure Ulcers
Learn techniques for encouraging individuals to manage their own pressure areas
Understand how to adequately treat pressure ulcers, according to their severity
Learn how fundamental care principles can aid the healing process of pressure damage and stop its development
Explore how to put together a care plan for preventing pressure ulcers for patients with degenerative disease
12:15 pm
Lunch Break
1:15 pm
Understanding Your Responsibility and Liability
Hear the latest guidance on the safeguarding adults protocol, in relation to pressure ulcers
Understand the safeguarding considerations of pressure ulcers and when to report concerns
Comprehend and recognise when clinical concerns need to be escalated
Understand record keeping and the legal considerations when pressure ulcers develop
Understand when you should involve next of kin? How much should you consider their views when putting together a care plan
2:00 pm
Workshop: Improving your Strategy for Preventing and Managing Pressure Ulcers
In this final interactive workshop delegates have the opportunity to review the days learnings and consider what approaches and strategies you are going to take back to your organisation, to improve the prevention, identification and treatment of pressure ulcers.
Evaluate your current pressure ulcer strategy against the latest recommendations
Discuss how to better engage with individuals, asking the right questions and effectively listening to concerns
Discuss how to better collaborate with external organisations
Consider how to embed the principles of the aSSKINg framework into your prevention of pressure ulcers
Discuss how to better consult with individuals on their preference of care
Develop action points to reaching the NICE Quality Standards for Pressure Ulcers
3:00 pm
Training Evaluation and Close
*programme subject to change
Health & Social Care
£245 + VAT
Public Sector
£345 + VAT
Private Sector
£445 + VAT